- Aiming for tailor got the Bream and then Caught the only Tailor of the trip

- Thanks Dad for letting me have a photo with your Jewwie!
Daniel Faint your dad must be a good fisherman!
shane rodgers awsom jew fish there dont come like that one often (magnificent)
Nathan Raasch yer, he hooked on fishing, like a drug. the next big jewwie is mine!
shane rodgers yep cant blame him its worse than drugs let me tell ya i could give drugs up but not me fishing

- 1 Tusk Fish and an esky FULL of Kingfish and Cobia
Jack Moore Diggers hey? Did you put your boat in there or go out with Stan in Wooli?
Nathan Raasch stan? we went on our friends thats been going there for a long time boat. caught the fish just of that island, forgot the name
Jack Moore North Solitary Island. Stan's a guy that runs charters in Wooli, he is very good and I guarantee you fish if you ever decide to go with him.
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